Jumat, 26 April 2013


2. Because they had spent too many time considering the new contract, the student lost the opportunity to lease the apartement.
Revise : Because they had spent many time considering the new contract, the student lost the opportunity to lease the apartement

3. These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time, but perhaps we will return leter.  
Revise: These televisions are all too expensive for us to buy at this time, but perhaps we will return leter.

4. After she had bought himself a new automobile, she sold her bicycle.
 Revise : After she had bought herself a new automobile, she sold her bicycle.

5. The next important question we have to decide is when do we have to submit the proposal.
Revise : The next important question we have to decide is when we have to submit the proposal

6. George has not completed the assignment yet, and Mario hasn’t neither.
 Revise : George has not completed the assignment yet, and Mario hasn’t too.

 7. Jhon decide to buy in the morning a new car, but in the afternoon he changed his mind.
Revise : Jhon decide to buy a new car in the morning, but in the afternoon he changed his mind.

 8. Some of the plants in this store require very little care, but this one needs much more sunlight than the others ones.  
Revise : Some of the plants in this store require very little care, but this one needs
much more sunlight than the others one.

 9. After George had returned to his house, he was reading a book.
Revise : After George returned to his house, he was reading a book.

 10. Many theories on conserving the purity of water has been proposed, but not one has been as widely eccepted as this one.
Revise : Many theories on conserving the purity of water has been proposed, but no one has been as widely eccepted as this one.

11. The food that Mark is cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious.
Revise : The food that Mark’s cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious.

12. After Jhon eaten dinner, he wrote several letters and went to bed.
Revise : After Jhon dinner, he wrote several letters and went to bed.

13. The manager has finished working on the report last night, and now she will begin to write the other proposal.  
Revise : The manager has finished on the report last night, and now she will begin to write the other proposal.

14. Because Sam and Michelle had done all of the work theirselves, they were unwilling to give the result to Joan. 
Revise : Because Sam and Michelle had done all of the work them, they were unwilling to give the result to Joan.

 15. Daniel said that if he had to do another homework tonight, he would not be able to attend the concert.
 Revise : Daniel said that if he had to do another homework tonight, he would not to attend the concert.
16. After to take the medication, the patient became drowsy and more manageable.
Revise : After to take the medication, the patient become drowsy and more manageable.

 17. We insist on you leaving the meeting before any further outbursts take place.  
Revise : We insist on you are leaving the meeting before any further outbursts take place

18. It has been a long time since we have talked to Jhon, isn’t it?
 Revise : It has been a long time since we have talked to Jhon, hasn’t it?

19. Henry objects to our buying this house without the approval of our attorney, and Jhon does so. Revise : Henry objects to our buying this house without the approval of our attorney, and Jhon too.

 20. Rita enjoyed to be able to meet several members of congress during her vacation.  
Revise : Rita enjoyed to be able to meet several members of congress during her vacation

21. After being indicted for his part in a bank robbery, the reputed mobster decided find another attorney.  
Revise : After being indicted for his part in a bank robbery, the reputed mobster decided found another attorney.

22. Harry’s advisor persuaded his taking several courses which did not involve much knowledge of mathematics.
Revise : Harry’s advisor persuaded him to take several courses which did not involve much knowledge of mathematics.

 23. The only teacher who were required to attend the meeting were Gorge, Betty, Jill, and me.  
Revise : The only teacher who required to attend the meeting were Gorge, Betty, Jill, and me.

24. The work performed by these officers are not worth our paying them any longer.  
Revise : The work performed by these officers are not worth our paying them.

25. The president went fishing after he has finished with the conferences.  
Revise : The president went fishing after he had finished with the conferences.

26. Peter and Tom plays tennis every afternoon with Mary and me.  
Revise : Peter and Tom playing tennis every afternoon with Mary and me.

 27. There were a time that I used to swim five laps every day, but now I do not have enough time. Revise : There was a time that I used to swim five laps every day, but now I do not have enough time.

Sabtu, 13 April 2013

Adjective, Adverb, Modals, Gerunds, infinitives, and Noun.

Kata sifat (adjectives) merupakan kata yang digunakan untuk memberi sifat pada sebuah benda, atau biasanya dengan sesuatu menjadi lebih spesifik. Adjektiva dapat menerangkan kuantitas, kecukupan, urutan, kualitas, maupun penekanan suatu kata. Contoh adjektiva antara lain adalah keras, jauh, dan kaya.
  • An age adjective tells you how young or old something or someone is. Examples: ancient, new, young, old
  • The cold and wet snow was all over Suzzy's jacket.
  • This is the end of a very long road
  • Dan lain sebagainya 
Kata keterangan atau adverb adalah salah satu bagian dari Part of Speech. Jadi kalau ingin sedikit mundur ke belakang, sobat bisa mengunjunginya lewat link tadi.
Sebagaimana halnya dalam bahasa Indonesia, Adverb (kata keterangan) berfungsi memberi keterangan pada kata kerja (verb), kata sifat (adjective), atau kata keterangan yang lain (another adverb).
Beberapa aturan yang berlaku dalam penggunaan adverb adalah sebagai berikut:
Kata keterangan yang menunjukkan kekerapan atau frekuensi pengulangan (adverb of frequency) mempunyai jenjang urutan sebagai berikut:
always           = selalu (100%)
usually          =  biasanya
often             = sering/kerap kali
sometimes     = kadang-kadang
seldom          = jarang
rarely            = jarang
never            = tak pernah
Posisi atau penempatan kata-kata keterangan dalam kalimat berada di tengah-tengah kalimat (mid-sentence adverb), di awal atau di akhir kalimat.

    Examples :
I sometimes get up at 5.30
Sometimes I get up at 5.30
I get up at 5.30 sometimes
Dalam kalimat positif, yang menggunakan Simple Present Tense dan Simple Past Tense, kata keterangan (adverb) berada di depan kata kerjanya (verb).

Modal auxiliaries adalah kata kerja bantu, dimana berfungsi membantu atau manambah makna pada ordinary (kata kerja Sali) nya. Adapun aturan penggunaan modal auxiliaries adalah: (1) Modal harus bertemu dengan kata kerja bentuk pertama (verb bare infinitive) contohnya I will play football, (2) modal tidak boleh di ikuti oleh To invinitive contohnya I will to play football (salah),(3) tidak bisa bertemu dengan primary auxiliary kecuali dengan be dan have contohnya does Saeful will play football (salah), Saeful can be here (benar).
Contoh modal dalam bahasa inggris:
  1. 1.      Can                 5. Will             9. Might          13. Dare
  2. 2.      May                 6. Should         10. Ought to    Dan lain sebagainya
  3. 3.      Must                7. Would         11. Used to
  4. 4.      Shall                8. Could          12. Need
Gerund adalah bentuk kata kerja -ing  ketika digunakan sebagai kata benda .
a) sebagai sejenis kata benda.
                                                    b) sebagai bagian kata kerja.
a) sebagai sejenis kata benda.
  • Gerund sebagai subjek
Learning foreign languages is hard work
Swimming is hobby

  • Gerund sebagai objek
Some people don’t like flying
He enjoys reading novel
I finish writing letter

  • Gerund sebagai propositional phrase
He is good at singing
Ths land is good for farming

  • Gerund sebagai complement
My father’s favourite sport is playing football
Her hobby is telling story

  • Gerund sebagai noun modifier
The waiting room is very large
The reading books are on the table

  • Gerund sebagai larangan
No smoking,
No parking,
No swimming.

b) sebagai bagian kata kerja.
Karena Gerund adalah bagian kata kerja, ia dapat menggunakan objek di belakangnya. Misalnya :
e) Objek langsung (dengan transitif) :
  • · He is clever at teaching mathematics = Ia pandai dalam mengajarkan matematika.
f) Objek Tak Langsung (dengan transitif)
  • · He is clever at teaching us mathematics = Ia pandai dalam mengajarkan matematika kepada kami.
g) Objek yang tetap dipertahankan dalam kalimat pasif (Retained object)
  • · She is pleased at being taught mathematics = Ia senang sekali terhadap matematika yang diajarkan kepadanya.
h) Objek yang artinya mirip dengan kata kerja itu sendiri = cognate object (dengan intransitif)
  • · She is proud of having sung a fine song = Ia bangga akan nyanyian merdu yang telah ia nyanyikan.
i) Objek refleksif (dengan intransitif)
  • · She is in the habit of oversleeping herself = Kebiasaannya sendiri bangun kesiangan (tidur terlalu lama).

Infinitives adalah kata kerja bentuk pertama. Kata kerja bentuk pertama artinya kata kerja yang belum terikat atau belum dipengaruhi oleh pokok kalimat seperti pengaruh Tenses dan struktur bahasa lainnya.
Macam-macam Infinitives:
  • Infinitive with “to” (To Infinitive)
  • Infinitive without “to” (Bare Infinitive)
1. To Infinitive
To Infinitive biasanya disebut juga dengan “Infinitive” yaitu kata kerja yang ditambah dengan “to“. Maksudnya akan dijelaskan selanjutnya.
Kapan kita gunakan Infinitive?
1. Sebagai Subjek Kalimat
Ini artinya, jika kita ingin membuat kalimat yang diawali dengan kata kerja, maka kata kerja tersebut harus diawali dengan “to”.
  • To win the game, we must practice hard.
    (Untuk memenangkan pertandingan ini, kita harus berlatih dengan keras)
  • To say is easy but to do is difficult.
    (Berkata sih mudah tapi melaksanakannya itu yang sulit)
  • To be  easy to study English, we must have a lot of vocalubulary.
    (Untuk memudahkan belajar Bahasa Inggris, kita harus menguasai banyak kosa kata)

2. Setelah Kata Kerja Tertentu
Apabila Anda ingin meletakkan suatu kata kerja, namun di depannya ada juga kata kerja lainnya seperti di bawah ini, maka kata kerja yang kedua harus ditambah “to” di awalnya.
Di bawah ini adalah daftar kata kerja yang biasanya ditambah dengan Infinitives.
  • hope
  • plan
  • promise
  • ask
  • arrange
  • agree

Nouns (Kata Benda) adalah segala sesuatu yang kita lihat atau dapat kita bicarakan dan yang menunjukkan orang, benda, tempat, tumbuhan, hewan, gagasan dan sebagainya.
  • soldier - Alan - cousin - Frenchman   (Nama Orang)
  • rat - zebra - lion - aardvark (Nama Binatang)
  • house - London - factory - shelter   (Nama Tempat)
  • table - frame - printer - chisel (Nama Objek)
  • lead - nitrogen - water - ice (Nama untuk Substansi)
  • kindness - beauty - bravery - wealth - faith (Nama Kualitas)
  • rowing - cooking - barking - reading - listening (Nama Aksi)
  • month - inch - day - pound - ounce (Nama Ukuran)